TWITTER: Twitter is an online social networking platform where you can "microblog", or create status updates under 140 characters. Librarians are HUGE fans of twitter and it's a great platform to be on!

Twitter Accounts to follow:
@LibraryJournal - The main twitter feed for Library Journal
@NPR_RAD - Official feed for NPR RAD = Research, Archives, & Data Strategy
@hacklibschool - By and for LIS students
@SJSUiSchool - SJSU iSchool
@daniellerapue & @jillyanny - Just some awesome MLIS grads! ;-)
Relevant #hashtags:
#mlis - library grad school related posts
#libraryschool - same as above
#librarylife - posts about work environments
#libchat - useful for questions and answers
#inaljchat - I Need a Library Job chat
#ts4libs - Tech Soup for Libs, links to webinars
#tlchat - teacher librarian conversations
#critlib - critical librarianship Q&A conversations
^^ If you are new to Twitter, and a library student, this is written for you!

Facebook is a great place to connect with people! Adding your classmates and professors is a great way to network, as is following library associations and groups.
Facebook Groups to Join:
Library Employee Support Network
Even More Library Groups on FB
Facebook Pages to Follow:
**These also have some great blogs and article resources, both on their websites and Facebook pages, so visit those and explore!
Connections: Contacts you meet at this conference can be added to your connections on LinkedIn!
Find Jobs/Internships/Volunteer opportunities
Get digitally endorsed by connections
Join groups on LinkedIn and get connected:
Association for Information Science & Technology
California Library Association
CILIP: Library, Information and Knowledge Professionals
Librarianship Job Search and Careers
LIS Career Options
Medical Library Association (MLA)
Society of American Archivists
* note you may need a LinkedIn account to view a group page. Some groups require you to request to be added. Don't be shy, make a request!
LinkedIn is a business and employment opportunity social networking site. It is a great way to create professional connections in a more professional atmosphere.