True Stories of Real Connections in the Library World

WHO AM I?: Nathasha Alvarez, a Outreach and Instruction Librarian
WHERE?: East Los Angeles Community College (ELAC)
WHAT DO I DO?: Instruction, reference and outreach
Be proactive about following up with professional connections you make at library conferences and workshops –
these colleagues are your best resource for learning about job and internships opportunities and learning more about the profession.
WHO AM I?: Rita Suarez, an Instruction and Outreach Librarian
WHERE?: East Los Angeles College (ELAC)
WHAT DO I DO?: Information literacy/research instruction and library outreach at a very large and very unique community college
BEST NETWORKING TIP: Stay positive, open, and receptive to new ways of librarian-ing. Also, sharing library stories over food and drinks. My favorite conversation starter: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found/seen in the stacks?
Jillian connected with Nathasha and Rita as a result of her internship with ELAC

The story of how we met started with both of us taking advantage of opportunities to network. We were perfect strangers who both attended the library school reception SJSU iSchool at the 2015 California Library Association Conference. (Quick tip: this is a free annual event that you don't have to register for conference to attend!) We were introduced by a mutual acquaintance and hit it off. We exchanged contact info and made plans to walk the exhibit hall together. We found commonalities in both being aspiring academic librarians and commiserated on the trials and tribulations of going to library school online.
Through more conversation, we decided to develop the poster session we presented at the 2016 California Library Association Conference "Swing Into Action" and that bloomed into creating this digital starter kit to help other library students build their own sense of community while completing an online library degree.
Some Advice from Our Personal Networks...
Jillian Holt (left) and Danielle Rapue (right)
Photo taken at CLA 2015 Party at Pasadena Public Library
Another Great Connection...

Danielle connected with Raymond Pun without even having the intention of networking. There was an public event held at CSU Fresno where Ray works as First Year Student Success Librarian. Ray was present at the event and working on a laptop in the seated crowd. Danielle was seated in the row behind him and could see that his screen had a Library 2.0 virtual conference icon present.
Knowing she was also attending the same conference, and curious about his interest in the conference, Danielle approached Ray after the event and introduced herself and said she was also attending the virtual conference. Turns out Ray was presenting during the conference! They exchanged emails and stay in touch regularly.
Ray has fostered the growth of Danielle as an new academic librarian. They regularly exchange ideas on libraries and the profession, he notifies her of opportunities and ways she can network, and has been encouraging her development every step of the way.
Ray signing a copy of his book,